Collegiate Conference.
Fall | The Collegiate Conference is designed to be one of the most inspiring, relationally deepening, team strengthening experiences of the year for our churches. It is intended for those in the Collegiate Church Network who are already on staff, considering working on staff, or those in other churches who are passionate about church for the next generation. Please join in November!
Please visit for more information.
Collegiate Leadership Conference.
Spring | The Collegiate Leadership Conference aims to be the year's most strategic, developmental, high “return on investment” leadership experience for our church leaders. This conference is designed for senior leaders of Collegiate Network Churches as a collaborative space to grow and develop as individuals and teams on mission together.
Please visit for more information.
Leadership Training.
Summer | Leadership Training is a summer-long program for followers of Jesus in Collegiate Church Network churches. It's for college students who desire to be transformed into Christ followers who impact their world as they live out their faith.
Please visit for more information.